  • No More Words

    No More Words

    7.4 2025-03-26

Swipe left/rt/up/dn to make words. Single/multiplayer. 6 languages. Free. No ads

Make words, row-wise or column-wise, even diagonally! Single or multiplayer. Six languages supported: DE, EN, ES, FR, HU, IT.

Swipe horizontally or vertically to move tiles around. You can swipe only if all tiles in a row or column can move (that is, there has to be a blank at the end (or beginning) of a row or a column). With each swipe, new tiles also appear.

Once a word is formed, it disappears automatically. You receive 100 points for a 3-letter word, and 200 for a 4-letter one.You can also replace yellow blanks with red tiles. Red tiles are replenished automatically.

The ideal ending of a game occurs when all yellow tiles become blanks. You get a 1000-point bonus for achieving that. A less lucrative ending is when the yellow tiles are all full of letters, but No More Words can be formed.

Keep an eye on the green tiles. They are the future! They are the ones that you will get when you swipe or use a red tile.

To battle another player:

1. Launch the game on two devices

2. Then look up for the battle-mode button

3. Click it simultaneously on the two devices

4. The battle is on!

In battle-mode, players start with the same initial letters and the sequence of all future letters is also exactly the same. The battle finishes when any of the players reaches the end of a game.

Battle mode is similar to the standard practice mode in that it allows both 3- and 4-letter words, spelt top-to-bottom or left-to-right.

You receive 100 pts for a 3-letter word, 200 for a 4-letter one, and a 1000 pts bonus if you wipe the yellow tiles clean.

What's New in the Latest Version

Last updated on Sep 21, 2018 Bug fixes

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